FIN 330: Personal Financial Planning

Textbook Information

  • Fundamentals of Financial Planning, 7th Edition Dalton, Dalton, Gillice and Langdon, Money Education, 2021 ISBN: 978-1-946711-39-7
  • Insurance Planning, 7th Edition Dalton, Dalton, Langdon and Gillice, Money Education, 2021 ISBN: 978-1-946711-31-1

Published Remarks

  • None

Hardware Requirements

  • Texas Instruments BAII Plus (recommended)

Software Requirements

  • None

Proctored Exams

  • None

Course Description

Developing financial plans including cash budgets, credit purchases, investments, and insurance.

Prerequisite: 3rd Semester Standing FIN 330 Personal Financial Planning (3) Developing financial plans including cash budgets, credit purchases, investments, and insurance. This course provides an overview of personal financial planning. Some of the topics to be covered include: The financial planning process, CFP Board’s code of ethics and professional responsibility and disciplinary rules and procedures, CFP Board’s financial planning practice standards, education planning, financial planning for special circumstances, principles of communication and counseling, and client and planner attitudes, values, biases and behavioral characteristics and the impact on financial planning. Risk and insurance including Annuities, Life, Health, Disability, LTC, Home, and Auto. By the end of the course, students should be able to identify key financial planning issues for an individualized situation. This is the introductory course for the Certificate in Financial Planning program. This course can also be used as a supporting course for business majors. Students interested in understanding their personal finances or wishing to pursue a career in financial services should take this course.


Assignment Breakdown Points
Quizzes (10 points each, lowest quiz score will be dropped) 100
Discussion Forums (5 points each) 55
Assignments (10 points each, lowest score will be dropped) 80
Financial Planning Project 60
Total 295

Quizzes: There are a total of eleven (11) quizzes throughout the course and your lowest quiz score will be dropped. The purpose of these quizzes is to test your understanding of the subject matter. You are allowed to use any resources you have (ie. the textbook) except for other humans. Discussion forums: There are 11 lesson-based discussion forums listed under the course schedule. No grades will be dropped in this category. The grading rubric for these forums is available under course resources. The purpose of these forums is for you to have a chance to discuss the topic and relate it to the material you have been learning about during the given lesson. I want you to draw from your own experiences and personal research on these topics, as well as class and external sources. Each student will be required to post a response to the discussion question and also comment on at least 2 responses that others have posted. I may participate in these forums by making comments when they appear appropriate. Comprehensive Financial Plan:  The purpose of this assignment is for you to show what you have learned throughout the semester and how you are able to apply this knowledge to real-world situations. Several assignments throughout the course are designed to build up to and become a part of this financial plan. Please note that any personal information shared during this process is strictly confidential and will only be seen by the instructor. However, if you feel uncomfortable with using your personal information, you are permitted to use fake information, as long as it is realistic. Use this as an opportunity to create a functional financial plan that can help you now or in the near future.


Letter grades will be based on the following scale:

A = 93% C+ = 77.5%
A- = 90% C = 70%
B+ = 87.5% D = 60%
B = 82.5% F < 60%
B- = 80%  

Note: A grade of C or higher is required to pass the course. Grades are EARNED not given. In most weeks, there will be opportunities to earn points with quizzes and discussion forums. Please refer to the University Grading Policy for Undergraduate Courses for additional information about University grading policies. If you are prevented from completing this course for reasons beyond your control, you have the option of requesting a deferred grade from your instructor. For more information, please see “Deferred Grades” on the Student Policies website.