MGMT 409: Project Management for Non-business Majors

Textbook Information

  • Software: Sim4Projects by Pinto and Parente, Sim Professionals, LLC version 3.0 (simulation)

You MUST purchase your Sim4Project code through the Penn State BNC bookstore. Purchase your Sim4Projects code ASAP in order to begin the simulation on time. Refer to the course orientation for instructions on registering your account.

Reading materials are provided in the course.

Published Remarks


Hardware Requirements


Software Requirements

Proctored Exams


Course Description

Project management for non-business majors covers the technical and people skills related to project management within a variety of organizational structures. Students learn the tools and concepts needed to successfully balance schedule, budget, and scope while managing risk and resources during the project life cycle. Leadership and teamwork skills are emphasized and practiced in a hands-on approach throughout the duration of the course.

Course Overview

Method of Course Delivery: Asynchronous Online

Efficient project management has become an integral part of successful organizations. The purpose of this course is to increase technical and people skills related to project management within a variety of organizational structures. Instruction is focused on problem-based learning pedagogy.

Course Pre-Co-requisite(s): 5th-semester standing


By the end of this course, successful students will be able to:

  • Describe and apply project management methodology in a business context.
  • Assess the financial viability of a project in terms of project selection and budgeting
  • Develop team leadership skills essential to successful project management.
  • Analyze the project status in terms of risk and constraints by utilizing appropriate project management tools.

Course Structure

This course is set up in fifteen 1-week modules to pace your learning throughout the semester. The first module will provide the business framework for the project management topics that follow. Modules two through four cover the triangle of constraints. Eight modules cover other project management skills, and two more evaluate your progress in learning key tools. In parallel with the modules, a team simulation applies technical and soft PM skills acquired. You will access all graded activities through the modules.

Module Structure

Modules follow this basic format:

  • Overview: Introduction and significance of topic, learning objectives, list of tasks to complete to learn the material and graded work to submit.
  • Lesson: Lesson content pages, ungraded interactive practice opportunities, and text reading assignment.
  • Simulation: Semester-long dynamic team experience in managing a virtual project. Due dates for specific decisions and assignments provided in each module.
  • Individual Assignments: Individual assignments to be completed.
  • Summary: A review of what was learned.

Course Schedule

The course schedule, located in the Orientation Module, identifies course topics and associated time frames and assignments. Note that assignments are due based on Eastern Time (ET). This standard time frame ensures that all students have the same deadlines regardless of where they live.

Course Requirements and Grading

Course Assignments

This course contains the following graded assignments.

Sim Team Assignments

Students will work in assigned groups to run a team simulation in which they make technical decisions related to managing a project budget, schedule, and resources. Details of related group-graded assignments are provided.

  • Period Decisions (12@5 points): The simulation is divided into 12 periods for students to improve their project management skills in a dynamic environment by adjusting decisions based on analysis of lessons learned from the previous period. Submitting period decisions in the simulation are worth 5 points each with specific due dates provided in Canvas.
  • Sim Assignment (70 points): After a practice round, this assignment will verify students are prepared to start the simulation by using appropriate project management tools learned in the first few modules. It is a detailed file upload worth 70 points.
  • Status Reports (2@100 points): Two status reports will be completed – after periods 1-4 and after periods 5-8 to develop project analysis skills for improved decision-making. Performance metrics in the second status should show improvement from the first status report in terms of managing constraints. Both are based on the same report template. Each report is worth 100 points.
  • Sim Time and Money Performance (100 points): The goal of the simulation is improving project management skills, not “winning.” Each team’s performance is measured for meeting the project’s schedule and budget constraints as provided in the rubric on Canvas. This assignment is worth 100 points.
  • Sim Team Presentation (70 points): At the end of the simulation, this recorded presentation demonstrates that the team has an in-depth understanding of their specific simulation experience and how it relates to topics covered in class. The 70-point total is divided into 50 points for the presentation and 20 points for evaluation and feedback for two other team’s presentations.

Teamwork implies an expectation of ample participation by each member for submitting decisions, analyzing results, and preparing graded work.  If a member is not contributing, individual grades may be adjusted accordingly on any/all simulation-graded work.

Individual Assignments

  • Problem Sets (5@20 points): Five modules have quantitative problem-solving. This work has unlimited attempts to earn a perfect score and improve your understanding before attempting the module activity. Each set is worth 20 points. Late work will not be accepted. Scores are available immediately after submitting, and only the highest one is recorded.
  • Module Activities (12@20 points): Most modules contain a 20-point activity to apply the topic skills. This work has two attempts, with the highest score being recorded. Late submissions will not be accepted. Grades are posted immediately after submitting except for any manually graded parts.
  • Quizzes (2@40 points): Two 40-point quizzes will assess learning of both qualitative and quantitative content. The first quiz in week 6 covers weeks 1-5, and the second quiz in week 12 covers weeks 7-11. Quizzes will be open note/book and will be administered through Canvas. Quizzes are INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENTS with no collaboration between students. The quizzes will be assigned in a specific date range and time limit. Each quiz will automatically submit and close if you have not completed it within the time limit or the deadline. Your score will be visible after the deadline.
  • Review Project Cases (2@20 points; 1 @ 40 points): Project management skills will be applied in two 20-point case studies and one 40-point comprehensive case.
  • Bonus: Two bonus opportunities are offered during the semester. Each will be announced at the start of the appropriate module.

Course Grading

The final course grade is determined by individual assignments (500 points total; 50% of the overall course grade) and simulation team assignments (500 points total; 50% of the overall course grade). The following tables break down assignments and their associated point values.

Individual Assignments (50%)
Assignment Total Points
Module Activities (12 @ 20 points each) 240
Problem Sets (5 @ 20 points each) 100
Review Project Cases (2 @ 20 points each) 40
Final Review Project Case 40
Quizzes (2 @ 40 points each) 80
Simulation Team Assignments (50%)
Assignment Total Points
Period Decisions (12 @ 5 points each) 60
Sim Assignment 70
Status Reports (2 @ 100 points each) 200
Sim Time and Money Performance 100
Sim Team Presentation 70

Letter grades will be based on the following scale:

Grading Scale
Letter Grade Range Point Range
A ≥ 93.00% 930 – 1000
A- 90.00 – 92.99% 900 – 929.9
B+ 87.00 – 89.99% 870 – 899.9
B 83.00 – 86.99% 830 – 869.9
B- 80.00 – 82.99% 800 – 829.9
C+ 77.00 – 79.99% 770 – 799.9
C 70.00 – 76.99% 700 – 769.9
D 60.00 – 69.99% 600 – 699.9
F ≤ 59.99% ≤ 599.9

Grade Policy

It is your responsibility to stay up to date with your grades posted on Canvas and to bring any grade errors to your instructor’s attention as soon as possible. Items will be graded as quickly as possible with grades posted to Canvas.

Late Submissions

Due dates are firm. If you need to request an exception due to a personal or medical emergency, contact the instructor directly as soon as you are able. Such requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Extra Credit

No extra credit is available unless it is offered to everyone (see “Bonus” in “Individual Assignments” section).