MIS 336: Database Management Systems

Textbook Information

Kroenke, David M., Auer, David J., & Vandenberg, Scott L. (2022). Database Processing: Fundamentals, Design, and Implementation, 16th ed. Pearson. ISBN (e-book): 9780136931577 | ISBN (paperback): 9780136930174

Published Remarks

Prerequisite: MIS 204 or MIS 110 or CMPSC 121 or CMPSC 102

Hardware Requirements

Software Requirements

The following software is required for this course and is available to you at no additional cost. See inside the course for details, including how to access:

  • Microsoft Access
  • Vertabelo
  • Oracle Database

Proctored Exams

This course uses Honorlock for proctoring Part 1 Knowledge Test portions of exams. 

Course Description

Database management systems (DBMS) are at the heart of modern business information systems. They facilitate the sharing of data across the organization, and therefore support the notion that data is a corporate resource. This course covers current concepts in database theory and use, with a focus on design, implementation, and utilization of database management systems in relation to both operational and analytical database systems. Topics include interpreting database requirements, data modeling, logical/physical database design, structured query language (SQL), normalization, data quality, database transaction processing, data warehouse/data mart modeling approaches, business intelligence (BI) functionalities, and database administration. (3 credits)

Prerequisite: MIS 204 or MIS 110 or CMPSC 121 or CMPSC 102


Upon completion of this course, you should be able to

  1. Explain the purposes, scope, and characteristics of enterprise-class database systems.
  2. Create the structure for building a database and identify the relationships among data.
  3. Perform calculations, grouping, and queries with SQL statements.
  4. Apply techniques to safeguard and maintain data integrity
  5. Apply critical thinking to solve common issues related to database design and redesign.

Course Assignments

The course contains the following graded assignments in the following categories:

  • Reading Worksheets: Reading Worksheets help you identify and recall main points from the reading materials. The course contains a total of nine (9) Reading Worksheets, and you may use your book as you complete them. Note that Reading Worksheets use Canvas Quizzes, though they are not considered a quiz for purposes of this course. For more information on how Reading Worksheets work in this course, please see “How-To: Reading Worksheets” in the Course Orientation module.
  • Assignments and Activities: This course contains a total of one (1) video quiz activity and thirteen (13) assignments that require use of various course software tools. For assignments, you may be copying and pasting code and/or output from these tools into Word documents for upload. You may use your notes or course materials for assignments and for the activity. You may also collaborate if you choose, and an [Ungraded] Assignment Collaboration discussion area has been provided for your optional use for this purpose. Points possible for individual assignments and the activity range from nine (9) points to twenty-four (24) points. See the assignments and activity in Canvas for more information, including how each will be assessed.
  • Discussions: This course contains a total of eight (8) discussions. Discussions are designed to offer the opportunity to engage with each other in critical thinking around topics related to database theory and use. Note that discussions require an initial post and response posts to colleagues. Initial posts are due on Thursdays in the weeks they are assigned, with follow-up posts due on or before the end of the same week. Discussions are graded according to attention (e.g., thinking about content according to instructions) and engagement (engagement with peers and their content contributions according to instructions). See the discussions grading rubric in the gradebook or at each assignment (in the “Show More” menu) for details.
  • Quizzes: You will find eleven (11) quizzes in this course. These quizzes are timed, closed-book quizzes and are worth ten (10) points each. Each quiz consists of five questions worth two (2) points each, and question types may be true/false, multiple-choice, or a combination. The lowest quiz score grade is dropped.
  • Exams: This course contains four exams, each with two parts.
    • Knowledge Tests: For Part 1 of each exam, the Knowledge Test, you must work individually and may not rely on notes or course materials. Honorlock will be used to secure the testing environment. For more information about Honorlock, see the “About Honorlock” section of the coursesyllabus and refer to the “Honorlock Remote Proctoring” page in the Course Orientation Module. Knowledge Tests are timed and contain true/false and multiple-choice question types.
    • Skills Demonstration: Part 2 of each exam requires that you demonstrate the skills you are developing. For the skills demonstration, you may consult your notes but may not collaborate with others.

Course Grading

The following table summarizes assignments and their associated values.

Course Grade Distribution
Assignment Category Number Points Each Total Points
Reading Worksheets 9 20 180
Assignments/Activities 14 Varies 223
Discussions 8 10 80
Quizzes 11 10 100*
Exams 4 100 400
Total 983

*The lowest quiz score is dropped.

The final grade will be determined by the percentage of points earned of total points possible in the course. Letter grades will be based on the following scale:

Grading Scale
Letter Grade Percent Range Point Range
A ≥ 93% 914 – 983
A- 90 – 92.9% 885 – 913
B+ 87 – 89.9% 855 – 884
B 83 – 86.9% 816 – 854
B- 80 – 82.9% 786 – 815
C+ 77 – 79.9% 757 – 785
C 70 – 76.9% 688 – 756
D 60 – 69.9% 590 – 687
F Below 60% 0 – 589

Grade Policy

It is your responsibility to stay up to date with your grades posted on Canvas and to bring any grade errors to the instructor’s attention as soon as possible. Items will be graded as quickly as possible with grades posted to Canvas. You have 1 week to notify the instructor about incorrect grades after the grade is posted. After 1 week from posting the grade will remain as posted.

Exam Policy

Exams are to be taken only during the scheduled week. If you are unable to take an exam for a serious reason, the instructor must be notified before the exam.

Late Submissions

All assignments are expected to be completed on time. Late work is not accepted and will receive a zero. Please pay attention to due dates. If you know in advance of circumstances that would prevent you from submitting assignments on time, or if you experience extenuating circumstances, contact the instructor as soon as possible.